Why such a small weiner (serious)
Factor Arriving Late
Why is Korea / Koreans so pro-trump?
Official Q&A for Saturday, February 15, 2025
Do you feel safe in korea?
$SMCI ...something is cooking
Will pay $10! Please make the fish tank look full 🐠🌱🪨
USD cash accounts rolling out
Hi guys, I'm gay, should I sell all my XEQT?
Why is CADH.TO more popular than HSAV.TO?
My best performing Canadian stock in 2024 was Manulife
Let’s hear your non-penny stocks.
I genuinely hate working so much and idk how I’m gonna do it for my whole life
Predict XEQT's closing value on December 31, 2025 to win the value of 1 XEQT share.
Best way to convert CAD to USD?
Name any TICKER and I'll post the DATA for it.
100k USD Base in Boston (1 YOE Software Engineer)
Best stocks for the fourth industrial revolution
Canadian ETF that hold US Energy, Oil, Metal, Mine etc?
The Adventures of Jimmy and Mimi part 2
Free things to do in less than 7 hours?
Things my sub gf does that make me weak in the knees
Can I see some silly Chihuahua faces, please?