Apple intelligence this, Apple intelligence that. Siri is still just awful.
DH + Shaders on Mac OS?
Anki shows Again and Hard cards as soon as I saw all New cards?
Which Anki card did you fail today that you totally shouldn't have?
Average Duolingo translation
Airpod pro (1st gen) sounds like there’s a loose piece inside
Can’t finish cards in one sitting anymore??
Black specks on pellicle
Account hijacked
Those of you who work at a facility with a hot tub, what’s the minimum age and max time limit enforced?
how do you deal with anki fatigue?
3 Tree Scaling Claws in 2k steps
The tutorial is finally over. Now I can start playing the game
Waiting to go outside
Prerequisites for WSI
iOS 18.3.1 performance is great
Any plans for alternate travel methods?
USD cash accounts rolling out
Somebody’s mad that it’s -10° outside
why is my power draw so low?
I’m scared of developing cold feet before I jump in
Anyone can explain the difference?
Can I have just 1 parity drive in slot 2?
I love the new update
First Rocket Launch - Awesome game