is this a good monitor to start out with? Is it accurate?
does anyone have this monitor? is it accurate and a good one to start with?
I was wondering if yall could give y’all’s thoughts on what breed this dog might be?
Every time i (18F) try to kiss my bf (18M) when we're alone, he turns it into a full blown makeout session and doesn't let me pull away.
You nasty fucks need to cover your mouth, use a tissue, and stop going out IF YOU ARE SICK.
Hit my head yesterday and again today. Should i go to the hospital?
Opinion on when to get assessment?
how do you handle it when employees at a shop tell you “I’m not sure, I don’t know” when you ask if something is dairy free?
Anyone else’s nmother go the extra mile to exclude them and basically deny their existence?
Gotta Karen in the neighborhood
Worse off after stomach virus
Tips for keeping up with oral hygiene?
“He spoiled” 🫤😵💫
How do I tell my bio dad that I’m actually not ready to meet his girlfriend and her kids? I really need advice here
I want to be able to do the things i want longer!
pwBPD slowly pulling away from realationship? Please help
MIL refuses to stop touching my baby’s face, even when told not to.
as you can see she could really go for a sandwich right about now
I’m too emotional today
mother told everyone the lie that I’m shooting heroin years ago when I went no contact
i don’t know what to do
How Can I Expose My NMom?
How do you maintain a relationship with your siblings that are still in contact with your nmother?