What movie have you watched the most number of times?
what does “ski” even mean
pwBPD slowly pulling away from realationship? Please help
ways to use up leftover weed?
Hardest Song?
Knockout rips
😎 taking an edible in the city 🍃🍃
What has been the worst experience of your life so far?
What’s your favorite song from GEMINI! ?
Panic attack and Xanax TS
Things that are known to worsen HPPD. (A list)⬇️
I thought I would be able to sleep 12 hours after adderal
HPPD and UTI increasing symptoms
Unpopular opinion
You cant properly dose shrooms
AI Will rules over the world, they Say...
Name a lucki song ill rate it
HPPD and Binocular diplopia?
I know that this album is pretty divisive, but what yall think the best cut off FLM is? I gotta say DNA, Goodfellas or White House
How much milligrams of Adderal XR should I take to feel effects? ( No tolerance)
What kind of drunk are you? Mean, horny, sleepy etc??
15M Double vision?
Why when I focus on my reflection on my phone screen, everything else is doubled?
What are the best songs in your opinion?
What's the cheapest or dumbest way you've got high