Penta's updated entrance in 3 months
I'm tired of solo tanking
new to the game: any tips??
Now you know what a Venussy looks like
Bang bang bang, pull that Maximum Pulse trigger
Found this player in a celestial lobby
Dumb question for tank mains, but how do you stay aware of what's behind you?
"Ask yourself what you can do better." - them
If it ends in a Draw you shouldn't gain/lose points.
everybody else on my team died, so i engaged in a 1v6 as loki (i didn't realize everyone had died until it was too late 🙏)
Anyone else think Mag's ult should just fire by itself once it's overloaded?
1 in 14 million plays
New distribution dropped an its horrifying. gm3 is larger than plat 1 and almost larger than gold 1.
TIL there were DoomBot models in game, would be good DrDoom summons?
Matchmaking in Marvel Rivals is Absolutely Brutal Right Now
If you genuinely want to grind and rank up. DO NOT PLAY ON THE WEEKENDS
We can put the “engagement ranked system” specific debate to rest now
The 1% of comp (celestial)
Picking heroes or compositions in rivals raked...accurate or nah?
The Rocket hate is unreal
I've been hearing this is the ranked experience for many. Is this true?
What is a "High Rank"?
Are there map props that has more Damage Taken than these 2 stack of boxes?
NetEase 1 Nude Squirrel Girl Skin after
I give you: the fastest loss in history