Why no performance mode?
Picking heroes or compositions in rivals raked...accurate or nah?
People talk about winner's and loser's que. What que is this?
How in the world do you counter this comp?
Inconsistent Gameplay
Official discord server acting weird?
Discord Server outage or softban?
Does milsim west have opportunities to charge batteries?
Choosing milsim west faction?
Why the hate for Maximus/Aarom Clifton Moten?
[A3][Recruiting][Realism][Server] Operation Red Tide needs Marines!
[A3][Recruiting][MILSIM][USA][EST] 3rd Battalion, 4th Marines
[A3][Recruiting][Realism][Server] 12 days until Operation Red Tide!
On sight
[A3][Recruiting][Realism][Server] Operation Desert Spear needs Marines!
Where can I find a pvp Arma 3 milsim?
Do I have a point or do I just have low attention span?
[A3][Request] Looking for a Unit. Age 25+ preferred
[A3][REQUEST][NA] looking for a semi-casual unit for ww2 or modern