Which Brett Helquist ASOUE illustrations would make the best tattoos in your opinion?
What's the average age of fans here?
Day 19! Violet (from the books), or Klaus (from the Netflix series)?
How would you redesign it?
Today I love to correct people and it's all her fault!
What is Asoue's worst or most unnecessary book?
What were the theories and predictions you had before the end of the books/show/movie?
Day 15! Book or Netflix Josephine?
Can you imagine an opposite universe were Daniel Redcliff plays Klaus??
Which is the best book cover?
Why didn't Olaf...
If you could ask Lemony Snicket one unanswered question about A Series of Unfortunate Events, what would it be?
Now we had the show, what's your biggest fan dream for ASOUE?
which is the most unlikely
My low qua- I mean normal fanart of Klaus lol
Which is the saddest dedication to Beatrice?
What Would You Call It?
Day 3- book Violet, or Netflix Violet?
Can we please talk about this??👀
What was the BEST change the show made?
Does anyone know why “The end” only has 1 part? (Image Unrelated)
So... I tried to make this little map of the Land of Districts, is it accurate?
My Headcanon: Events After The End
Minecraft Map based on the books