Help me with my final year project
[GOG] The Outer Worlds, Quake 2, Baldur's Gate 2 Enhanced Edition
Why is heteroskedasticity so bad?
Y'folks like fake screenshots?
What’s your least favorite boss (not including ascended/radiant variants, sorry markoth haters)
I wonder if she's still thinking the same now
How to interpret a a VAR model with logged and % variables
GUYUYUYSSSS THEY CHANGED IT (it is sad that this counts as news)
What's hard about dating you?
Unpopular Opinion: Deepnest is one of the best areas in the game
They haven't even updated the website... They have totally forsaken the game...
Hi guys! I am looking for new open worlds I might like. Any suggestions?
If silksong comes out, I will buy it for everyone that comments
Hey guys it's me Leth, I will reveal the Silksong release date once this comment section reaches 1 333 331 comments. Good Luck.
What life goal are you currently trying to reach?
How big do you think it will be?
Which video game have you played the most?
Can people stop posting screenshots of common/repetitive good games (rule 10)
How do you respond when someone pays you a compliment?
What are some gaming “superstitions” you have?
What's with the rule?
What is the difference between a pooled VAR and a panel VAR, and which one should be my model?
New to tft 4 stars and 6 cost questions.