My neighbor chucks her dog poop over the back fence
I have no words
AIO my fiance spent 600 on gacha
Made peanut bitter stuffed onions cause I was hungary
Nernja terrtle cookies.
I left a penny in battery acid for a year and a half and only the inside melted away
My husband made Corner beef & Cabbage last night for dinner. It’s purple because it had purple carrots in it.
TIFU! Cleaning Product On Food…
Chunky chicken soup with takis
Is 20 and 21 too young to get married?
Fits here ig.
Todays lunch - Smoked sardines, 4 eggs, and 1 Clausen pickle
Which brand do you boycott for a petty reason ?
I ordered 12 tomatoes. I received 12 bunches of 6 tomatoes. I have 72 tomatoes and I leave the country for 2 weeks tomorrow...
Pizza and coleslaw 😋
TIFU by getting sexual with someone i shouldn’t have
It might not be as bad as coleslaw. Chicken and waffles pizza
I have received mixed opinions about this. What do you guys think?
Far from home and my fuel tank strap broke. How long can I expect this to work?
Garage fails
as an autistic person, my parents raise(d) me better than those idiots
Autistic parents on raising their autistic child
Messed with the wrong car
How about... No?
My partner's toothbrush
People over 35, what do you personally spend your expendable income on?