Am I weird for having slime vids in the background well I’m mob farming lol 😂
Welp time to quit
How much are these worth?
The things I would do for this-
Looks like I ain't getting her
Relaxed post about the GW
so why is iron still in the lead?? i thought there double point thing went away or am i wrong (btw NO HATE to iron just confused lolol its actually cool there winning but gl to all other guilds teams :D)
☣️Looking at Offers!!!☣️
What's the longest fight y'all ever did???
Anybody else’s Alrenoth not displaying albino correctly?
Road to veid, how much do i have minimum? To get a veid? And how log does it Take to get there...
Me when:
I hate guild wars
About fight Lycaon wish me luck ☠️
My waifu in bikini
Can we have massage mini game in ZZZ too?
No hate on the guy but I'm super super curious
Who would win in a fight?
Who you getting clapped by?
That chocolate isn't the only thing that's lethal.
Belle is inviting~
Yes yes yes can’t escape from crossing fate breed