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I'm lowkey in love with my new brownish/bronze loadout..
First combo
My grandfather died recently and my father told me I could have this fossilised tooth that he owned as decoration... it's from a mammoth isn't it?
New loadout <3 What u guys think ? W or L ?
S1mple grinding and streaming cs2 for 16h now
My BFK Tier list
Mousepad recommendations for cs2?
Last night i dreamt I had this combo so wanted to see what it looked like.
When I press Tab, the game freezes for a split second. It's really annoying. Does anyone know how to fix it?
just played with s1mple in premier (no, I was not shaking like a 10 y.o. fanboy)
Still don't understand how knife kills like these are possible haha
Which CSGO / CS2 Pro inspired you the Most?
We are glad to present our new skin on AWP. I keep sitting and thinking, which gloves would look better with such a skin, so that there would be a strong contrast?
Which one should i get? (if anyone has any more ideas comment them)
Did I Cook 🔥 👨🍳 or Nah 🗑️ 💀 ?
I lost everything somehow
Framedrops/Stutters when unscoping with AWP/Scout in CS2
How is queueing against 5 stacks as a solo still a thing in this game
in my apartment building
Wie viele Leute schmeissen bitte ihre Tschick am Boden?
Bin ich die einzige die Ferhat Döner komplett overrated findet? Wo findet ihr gibts den besten Döner?
Wo schaut ihr heut die Perseiden (Sternschnuppen)?
Did I just see a bird with two heads?