Put the word BALLS in a song/album name by tyler
Drop yo music below I’ll react to it tn on stream @8 on twitch
random question
It fxcking hurts
Drop your music I’ll react to it on stream tn@8
Ahh, yes. Christian Music
Ah yes, very christian
Video game name I cant remember.
anyone know songs like ‘not worth it’ that aren’t on dogboy?
Day 1 of trying to get a comment from every Sub-Division 🌎
Yeah its over now
Should I drop this?
What an artist you wish Zillakami would collab with (excluding one's he collabed with)
What’s an uzi feature that isn’t talked about enough? I’ll go first:
What yall favorite snippet that isn't out / leaked?
The true size of brazil on europe
What does this map mean?
There is a dude uploading Zilla's Music and Leaks on BandLab, good thing is that he doesnt pretend like he's Zilla. He says that he's just a fan. What do we think about this?
How can i be top 0,8%
Bro's really handsome
Slow morning
There are 3 things wrong with this map can you spot them