Painting Ideas?
Religious Requirements?
Is it possible to start being religious?
Monkeys Graduation Cap Ideas?
Addicted to Old Yellow Bricks for no reason rn, wbu?
most addictive monkeys song and why?
Tell Me Your Favourite Arctic Monkeys Line And I'll Tell You How You Will Die...
I just found this in my camera roll from 2015 omg (the hotel where TBHC mv was shot)
Favourite songs?
Tips for HS Freshman?
comment your favorite song using emojis and ill try and guess them
Best b-side?
What would you name yours? (I think I know the answer)
What's your favourite lyric from the whole Suck It and See album?
Your most controversial Monkeys opinion?
Dream Setlist
My Mikan cosplay!
Tattoo references or inspos
Is there a better line in all of their discography than: