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Imaginefx magazine 226 (June's issue), features yours truly!
Enadin Corp. NT3000 ASRC. Portability without sacrifice.
A little retrofuturism from my sketchbook.
Administrators' consoles, from my sketchbook.
Daily sketchbook page.
Daily doodles.
Vleeps, sweeps, creeps.
Today's sketchbook page.
Yet another drawing.
Don't skip mech day.
Yet another Sci-fidrawing, u/yetanotherpenguin, ink and alcohol markers, 2025.
Cue motion tracker sounds.
I miss when the future looked like this (oc).
IDAP of an old computer. On wheels.
Portability matters.
My last couple of drawings.
One more and ill quit spamming. Small bedroom from my sketchbook.
No place like home...
Today's drawing.
IDAP of a Sci-fi bedroom.
Full 70s Sci-fi bedroom by me.