derek won! who is a *universally beloved antagonist*?
Roses are red, you shouldn't coom,
Ah yes, women have it so easy in life
God forbid a girl want to be railed while in heat.
What is he thinking about?
Open to seeing Snape in a new hairstyle in the new series?
Durge Elf
Especially those "psychology says" youtube shorts fans
The hair that we could have had for Snow White
Kebab. You? Haha
Here are some pictures of Alan
My new friend Ember
vanessa won! who is a *mostly disliked love interest*?
I was recently diagnosed and my boyfriend dumped me
It’s my birthday today
You guys I have bad news
obsessed with this very specific face he makes sometimes
Why do I resonate with this fucking image someone help [transphobic slurs]
Severus Snape with a child
Trade offer
What's his name?
Roses are red, Gangnam Style is a dance
Certified women enjoyer
Am I missing something?