Which Cartoon Character Represents Gluttony
Idea for a Disney platform fighter game. Who will you play as?
[OC] Hisuian Decidueye! Who's your favourite starter Pokémon?
Alternate Custom Shinies Part 1
Is this rare?
Has anyone else ever felt that woodman looked kind of similar to eric cartman or is it just me?
The Zims
What Would You Name This Creature? Also, thanks to everyone who helped me with the process!
What’s her name? (Wrong answers only)
Who are these guys? [wrong answers only]
What’s one little detail that irks you? The little curl, I just wanna pull it out 💀
What should I name her?
Up against Jenny, what do you do?
Remember when Game Freak made the most pointless Mythical Pokémon?🤦
(OC) I don’t think it will be that difficult to predict the starters of the third legends game.🌱🔥💧
If you had the chance to rewrite the Black and White Anime how would you do it.?
Possible starters for the third Legends game🌱🔥💧
What is the name of this character? (Wrong answers only)
What’s one Pokémon you forgot ash caught? I’ll go first
[Mickey Mouse]
What’s Patrick sorry for? (Dark & disturbing answers only)
Which Ghostfreak design do you like better?
What is your favorite Plankton quote?
Design Critique: Gumball Machine Pokemon
Names for dark/psychic cat mon?