Save the VA Hospital!
Smoke on the Ozarks…
Today's buying purge
Anyone else just saying F'it and letting the forebearance ride?
Is anyone actually exercising 4-5 days a week? If so, how does it feel to be superhuman? (Actually though, how do you make it work?)
Hey! Hey! Look at me!
Where to exchange US Dollars for Mexican Pesos in NW Arkansas (as far as Rogers, from Fayetteville)?
Boston Terrier or Frenchie
Genuinely Curious
Weird food you only eat when alone?
Conservative businesses in Fayetteville?
Your last Google search is what kills you. How did you die?
Hows it feel to be American these days?
Did anyone watch Strays? What did you think of it?
Chain Restaurants You Won't "Kill"
How many mental health meds are you on?
Childfree millennials; what do you love the most about your lifestyle?
What immediately tells you that a person wasn't raised right?
If the person you hate the most were to experience one slight inconvenience every day for the rest of their lives, what would you choose it to be?
Stray dog found today that I think is a Boston Terrier. We are considering adopting, what should we know about the breed?
What are your go-to meals when feeding yourself is hard?
I owe a huge apology
Work from home
People's March