stitches appreciation post ❤️😮💨
my gonzo’s favorite spot
What’s one thing you wish you could experience for the first time again?
NEW Hot Topic AFYCSO Album Art Shirt
How do I take the merchant out of his cart so I can give him the damn bouquet?
So what do y’all do with your gyroids? I have all of mine in a room.
oh my sweet boys…
thoughts on my ringo boy ?
my dashing mofongo
gotta love coming in to find stuff like this !!
no better pillow than your brother
Help me find this jacket
here comes trouble
AIO to my boyfriend being sick and saying I'm not doing enough
Anyone else feel unbothered by student disrespect?
Is this official merch?
I’ve had “Thank You for subbing” notes before, but this one…wow…
is anyone here able to live comfortably off substitute teaching full time?
had to share this for the ogs 😭
when in vegas…
yall are SLEEPING on nails for breakfast
My fave Childhood pet names
What’s y’all’s favorite grade to sub??
A small haul I got
yeah alright…