Allistic French
Finished Panzer Platoon!
I bought the world’s worst thesaurus yesterday.
First time basing a model, how bad is it? (Be honest I need tips)
What made Big Boss so special?
The creation of me
I don't feel safe in my head
Where do fish go when they run out of money?
Marx famously said that "religion is the opium of the masses"
What should be the catchphrase for the space wolves
!Wrong answer only! What is the name of this flag
Reverse grip will never work
Discrimination against pagans is so normalized it’s starting to scare me (long rant)
Orks, should I say goodbye? I never win, not even a little.
One Panzer down, four more to go!
Panzer IV Platoon WIP
Working on some Winter Panzers
Oops, the Schürzen are on
Winter Panzergrenadiers and mixing infantry kit
What's his name?(Wrong Answer Only)
30k Lascannon Boat
What's a vampire's favorite beer?
What did the jew do in the morning?