Is it just me or is Mafs boring af this year
What's the biggest waste of money you've ever seen people spend on?
Just started 12 - Do curvy women EVER get a positive outcome on this show?
What character do you always leave behind in camp?
When are your most productive hours, and why?
People over 35, what do you personally spend your expendable income on?
How many people can genuinely say that they’ve never cheated and don’t actively lust after everyone?
Married at first sight - S12E08 - POST episode discussion
What is a generally unliked episode of Who that you think you could drastically improve with 1-2 small changes?
Age yourself with a movie you saw at the cinema as a kid!
Silence and solitude
What is the purpose of everything if we will end up with nothing, and we are all just dust in the wind, including the planet we live on?
EXPENSIVE hobbies that are worth it or almost worth it?
i don't have any hobbies and that makes me feel depressed
What has gradually disappeared over the last ten years without people really noticing?
What’s a modern trend you hope disappears in the next 5 years?
I’ve lost interest in my college major as a hobby
The Surinam Toad has one of the strangest birth methods in the animal kingdom. Babies erupt from a cluster of tiny holes in their mother’s back.
How do you deal with those days that you feel lonely?
Feeling Bad
Making the most of the weekend when you have no plans
Was I the only one that found this dress extremely phallic?
I don’t know how I feel about Clint - “Nice Guy” or is he just as much of a jerk as Lauren is?
Justice for Jamie
What would you do if you suddenly woke up as an 18 year old again?