Black Cilice - Atavistic Possessions
Got these used as well blind buy
Wolves in the Throne Room - Diadem of 12 Stars
Pickups of the past few weeks
Drowning the light vinyl collection so far
Who's catalog takes up the most space on your shelves? It's either Vothana, Satanic Warmaster or Leviathan for me.
Some recent pickups
Where yall get your tapes???
Drowning The Light - Oceans Of Eternity
Gris — Il était une forêt... (got today)
Anybody know when the next Goatwarex drop is?
Nightgaunt - Visitant
Anyone else pre ordering Leviathan - True Traitor remaster??
Kirous - Ikuiseen Tuleen
Perverted Ceremony - Sabbat Of Behezaël
Sargeist - Satanic Black Devotion
New era order.
Taake - Nattestid ser porten vid
Крюкокрест – Крюкокрест
Nächtlich - Exaltation Of Evil
Nachtlich - Twin Pillars of Nocturnal Hatred
Каландар – Домок о Шести Досок
Blood Countess - Occulta Tenebris(SIGNED)
Åndutsyn - s/t