Average Cold Steel II playthrough
10 year ban for screen translator
Hottest fire Emblem Characters (looking for opinions)
What is this sub anymore?
Finished FE6 a couple weeks ago and here’s my final tier list for my first playthrough
How it feels introducing your friends to Trails
What is your favourite corrin moment and why?
Is this true?
I hate this game
If you were to Rank the éléments by overall usefulness what would it be ?
cave(?) diving [@leppib]
Geth do not use windows. Structural weaknesses
Choose one.
I made a Tier List of every unique skilll from Fates to Engage
Interested to hear, what's personally your favorite/least fav Personal Skills in Fates and why?
Who else gets bad grades?
Newest Pokemon Rival Taunie (RyaiArt)
The struggle of true gamers
The 100 Girlfriends Who Really, Really, Really, Really, REALLY Love Yuuki Season 3
Nohrian Peter Educates Stewie and Chris (Emotional) (Lowkey Facts)
The difference 1 letter can make
Will this be good for Furina?
What are the weirdest builds for units you've ever used or seen?
Appreciation post for all the artists whose work wasn't selected for the vote. Your creations were beautiful and I loved seeing them!
Perhaps it’s just Lighter’s harem and the sons will be there in 9 months…