Client caught neighbor stealing power.
Inherited AWS infrastructure - Routing issue
Sonos Offer 25 % discount
Sonos hidden wifi
Ok I think we can tell the last guy did a good job making sure the box was waterproof.
Is this work acceptable?
When the math works out perfectly!
Is this meter legit?
A cool guide that describes different types of cannabis concentrates
considering Sonos vs others.
Saw the post about the ladder in a scissor lift figured i’d post this one
Gonna leave this here
There was no ill intent in this
How is my contractor doing so far?
Receptical panel.
Knew I should of called out today
MSP wants to hire an engineer
Someone posted this on the wall at work today, so we all get manifestos now?
What are y’all doing with this?
MAGA is insufferable
Normal people: "wow, that's amazing! Congratulations!" This lunatic:
Sophos XGS Lets Encrypt is here!!
Why are some people finding this hard to understand?