Jokes I never understood
People who don’t like Cam this post is for you. If you like him please skip.
Make comment section look like his google search history
a plot hole that always annoyed me a little
what are your favourite little made up songs from the show?
I need to find out the episode
Grad quote?
torn between embracing the tummy and learning how to dress for my body type?
Lived here for 20 years, I’m ready to move to Vegas.
Why Do You Have to Eat Before a Tattoo?
favorite cameos?
Amongst a million Andy/Haley posts, I'm gonna tell y'all why I like Dylan.
how old are u, lol?
Duos that needed more screen time together
Favorite Cece Quote?
what’s something you wished happened on modern family?
What are some things that you didn't notice the first time watching the show?
Bring people to an tattoo appointment
What New Girl word or phrase is part of your daily vocabulary?
AITA for telling my girlfriend to not be surprised if our daughter gets groomed
What’s a Modern Family line you quote back and forth between your friends and family?
This is crazy...movers packed my friends plants and...
What is the best response to the question “when are you having kids?”
These actors genuinely look like a family
What’s one Michael Scott line that gets you every time?