We've got a free car to travel the USA, we'll be there for a month are we being stupid with our plan?
Opinion on this s24 ultra case by FNTCASE.
Overbaked my cinnamon rolls and they turned out slightly NSFW
Audi stripped & now undrivable after being in a salvage yard under my auto insurance SF supervision after car accident
Homemade zebra cakes FAIL
PSA: wrong size poor quality.
This is becoming life consuming 🥴
i made these lemon bars so my roommate can cheat at a work pot luck.
I ain't tipping for tox!
🚨 The Luxe Vault is Here! 🚨
BIFL, but also BISecondhand. What are some things that everyone should keep an eye out for, but can commonly be found for cheap when preowned.
A fleet of UFOs landed in my kitchen last night
Flying from Auckland, New Zealand, to Toronto, layover at Vancouver or LAX?
Tuffet using Tula Pink
Store bought (Aldi) onion. If I put this in the ground, will I get more onions?
Looking for movies with twist endings.
YSK: If your medication gives you lots of sideeffects, ask for a Cytochrome p450 Genetic Test
Has anyone noticed that….
American folk dishes
Best books before I cancel?
Just Got a Stunning Hermès Birkin 25 – Worth Every Penny!
Update to My husband cheated on me
Here's What Mr Kitty Got for V-day
A Feral Princess 🌸