Postgame Thread: March 27 - Baltimore Orioles @ Toronto Blue Jays
We all know that if you lose your streak your steak, but what happens if you delete duolingo?
Your Favourite AOT Episode? Mine is Episode 80 (or Season 4 Ep 21)
Which is best dialogue by Eren Yeager?
Who Is the Real Devil?
Be honest are you really over your ex?
Keeping more than one copy of Crimil's Dagger is hoarding btw
Those who couldn't tell she was the female titan straight away?
Favourite E.E. song?
Worst EE song?
Most average song?
What does Thom Yorke doing on computer
You will use sidearms
You didn't doubt his Thunderlord meta, right r/destinycirclejerk?
Leftists owned 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 (not rage bait)
Sources close to Robert Eggers leak titles of his next projects: Sasquatch (2027), Godzilla (2028), King Kong (2030), Loch Ness (2032), Goblin, Ghoul and a Zombie With No Conscience (2045)
What's ur radiohead deep cut (mine is creep)
What's ur radiohead deep cut
Favorite Anime opening? I'll go first.
I honestly thought this ad was from this sub. Ribbed for her pleasure
Put away your 3-D printer, you can buy it off the rack now.
New images of the Switch 2’s new left Joy-Con have been posted on a Chinese website.
What's the stupidest theory you had while watching the series
This is how the end of Mike Trout's career looks like
Why didn’t Porco bite somewhere else?
What’s the hardest you’ve cried in a Kingdom Hearts game?