Come save us from our poor decisions
What are your thoughts of the TV Series as well as the Punisher's origin on the show?
Def Leppard out
Gwyneth Paltrow Didn't Know What an Intimacy Coordinator Was Until Making A24's 'Marty Supreme'
What show has been great from the very beginning until the end?
Anyone Remember Danzig on Aqua Teens Hunger Force?
What is the worst Friday the 13th movie?
Disney+ Problem
Tell me one thing you don't like about the Terrifier movies.
Maria Brink
Bigfoot (2005) was a very unsettling story... That just so happened to be written by Rob Zombie.
How do people who voted for Trump feel about the fact that they actually voted for Musk?
Courtney LaPlante
The last speech
Slipknot… rerelease this album AND MY WALLET IS YOURS!
When Bosco needs to go undercover at Bob's, he says "everybody knows how to make burgers" and I guess I kinda agree. It's always struck me as a little unbelievable how good everybody says that Bob's burgers are. A burger is a burger, right??
Stilgar and Muadib
What movies do you refuse to believe are directed by the same person?
Aside from Treehouse of Horror, what other episodes do you consider "non-canon"?
What do you think about this movie?
Sirens in Coralville
Which of these hated slasher sequels actually deserves the hate.