what is everybody hyped about right now?
I made Wolfe Glick a pokemon team!
Am I correct with this?
Is there another 7 star raid planned after Quaquaval?
What's the best build for Sylveon?
Alternate Custom Shinies Part 1
I can delete the game now. 🙏
What are the odds of getting shinies in wonderbox???
Obtained every “Mightiest Mark” starter
Any tips for a new player you'd like to give?
Quaquaval raid help!
I Got It
Is Ruan Mei still worth it?
Looking to trade Miriadon for Koraidon!
Help beating 6 star Gardevoir
Pokémon Legends Z-A will be the first Main-Line Pokémon Game Rated by ESRB as E10+ for Fantasy Violence. What do you expect will happen in the game to justify this new rating?
Do you have a unique favorite Pokemon? I need to know.
Please tell me google ai is lying, I need to be with her :(
PSA: Moxie is a DANGEROUS ability! Make sure to bring something to remove this ability to this 7🌟 raid
What Ball did you catch Quaquaval in (and what did you use for the others)?
Signature Moves for Every Paradox Pokemon
Please show me your sticker board!
the dot mothers comforting each other in the cruel landscape that is the current moc 💔