Dead by Daylight has a "confident survivor" problem
I reckon my forearms belong here... (warning scars)
has anyone done this yet
En caul birth (amniotic sac pop)
The Designs for the Batman Villains in this Statefarm ad. Seriously.
Experiencing the High Tide; acrylic on 16"x20" canvas.
I just feel so much like a freak I wish other people would stop perceiving me
Say hi to Eddie
My Ellie cosplay (self)
Dolly! You don’t ask people that!
I just realized how much the professor looks like Les Claypool
Name a horror TV show that takes place where you live
i’m really starting to see him. 7+ years on T
Practically begging for community
Reed Timmer, super obnoxious storm chaser and ardent MAGA, is upset that NOAA and NWS are being gutted. Now he wants people to "contact their representatives" and whine on his behalf. The FB weather community is ripping him several new orifices....
New image of John Economos in 'Peacemaker' Season 2 via James Gunn
(Adorable Trope) "I'm just a goofy li'l guy who also managed to score a totally hot baddy"
I saw someone posting possible 2v8 killer interactions so I decided to write some of my own! Let me know what you guys think :D
Name a Horror Video Game That Takes Place Where You Live
Pre hrt ---> 2y on E
Who remembers when Killer Concepts were like this
Young Adam Scott in Boy Meets World (1995)
Is it normal for women to touch each other's boobs?
“I’m not a bigot, I just hate you”