I feel like he fits in with their vibe... Brokeback Mound or some shi
Fakemink "Fent Theory" quote?
I opened spotify to listen to some Shed Theory
I had a dream about Sematary
Fly high lil bro 💔
WWMT (What would Marlon think)?
Bro been there 💔
Ts brings a tear to my eye 💔
YTK is over 6 years old now. Thoughts?
"If you don't fw Sematary we're donezo"
Is it jus me or does Marlon lowk look like Albanian John lennon 😭also tf is up with the deer bruz is he a animal rights activist type shi
frying me bru is ts real
Thoughts on xaviersobased (details in post)?
No diss intended, but is Sematary part-Bulgarian? I have always wondered this
Xavier and the Toyota debacle
[Recipe] Korean-Mexican Fusion: Perfect Bulgogi Tacos
Sematary favourite food?
Mom took down my Marlon poster
Is ts real 💔😭
My personal experience with Marlon DuBois - the "honey badger" nickname story.
"You are going to jail" said the judge.
Sematary expansion into post punk?
MESSAGE FROM THE MODS - shutting down the sub for 3 days
Sematary collab with Fakemink?
Game banned in China?