Soybean Farmer in Magnolia, KY. Voted for Trump Three Times. Now He is Losing Money and Worries That His Farm Will Go Out of Business
Tiger here apparently didn't realize cameras were rolling at first... not that it looks much better when he does. 😬
Costa Rican Women Fighting in local food place
Two couples beat each other up while security guard remains unbothered and makes calls
Moving to Missouri
Anyone stuck on "initializing sandbox"?
First day using Manus. I'm blown away so far
How many close friends do you have and how old are you
Should I be concerned?
First job working the field
How do you deal with bystanders who is interfering with your arrest?
She and her whole family voted for Trump. Now she's out of her job in the Forestry Service.
Is anyone still losing weight from not working out? I’ve noticed I’m super fatigue on 5mg
I think I’m going to get fired
If they ban SSRIs and ADHD meds I won’t know what to do genuinely it’s over. Could someone stop me from panicking
im 22F & my ex is 25M . We were together almost 4yrs . We ended because I believe self sabotage got the best of him. How does a man learn how to trust blindly?
I (20F) was stood up by a guy (21M) on the second date. Im unsure how to approach him now?
What kind of investigation would require two police tents in the garden for days?
Why can’t cyber trucks drive in the snow??
FBI cancels outreach to seniors
What happens when all public services are cut?
Trump blames Biden for record high egg prices and inflation
"Why can't you give us 2 weeks" they cried
It finally happened, my mother has admitted Trump is wrong!
need a reference for a vape store!