Autocrat's auto's crap
Is it murder or suicide if I get them with their own beliefs?
Playing Enemy Within again makes me realize how shitty some of the enemy mechanics were that are greatly improved upon in XCOM 2
is it normal to, for lack of a better phrase, go at it like rabbits ?
How has evolution not taken out beardies lol
P.O.D. - Youth of the Nation
What historical "fact" did you learn in school, that later turned out to be completely wrong or misrepresented?
Sex under the full moon eclipse?
The three games you played over and over as a kid that no one remembers
In honor of all dads out there, what’s your favorite dad joke that never fails to make you groan?
Aliases are not respected by sudo (NO FAP)
Tariffs had a significantly negative impact on world affairs leading to the second World War. Why should we expect the current trade war to end differently?
Will you always feel like a Baby witch?
Every time I open a game in steam. it instantly crashes
Guess my birth year based on my childhood.
Occult, witchy songs?
If you say so, Eric, if you say so!
Trump wants everyone to shut up about the eggs… 🥚🙄
Whataboutism in effect
Everything is real and everything is bull crap.
Why don't people in England speak Americanish?
Do you say Stellaris like Stellaris or Stellaris?
What would George Carlin say today?
The dust jacket text of the hardcover edition of the Star Wars novelization has some interesting errors
Misinformation will kill this country