F4A, looking for fantasy rp!
What Other Artists Do You Listen To Beyond Set It Off?
McDonald’s code Giveaway
5 hours post-op
Gen z, who are you voting for this upcoming election?
Anyone in AL that will perform hystorectomy?
Is this repairable?
Midnight Bracket (pt 13)
Do you guys have anyone on your friends list who’s always on vcs?
Midnight Bracket (pt 7)
Best Kahoot Name?
You're Forced to Eliminate One Song from Horrible Kids Day 2
What to expect post-hysterectomy?
I [20FtM] feel unsupported by my bf [20FtM] and don't know what else to do. Is it salvageable? What can I do to make it be salvageable?
Elsewhere Bracket (pt 15)
Elsewhere Bracket
Elsewhere Bracket (pt 13)
Elsewhere bracket (pt 10)
Elsewhere Bracket (pt 8)
Elsewhere Bracket (pt 3)
Web commands
slash commands for bots don’t work in any server all of a sudden
discord is just a buggy mess