Sad Update on my vortex lol
Question about music
I just ordered the Titan Pocket, is there any way to make it dumber?
Frustrated and disappointed at the lack of modern options
Nice cars
Bounce B1 updates
Bedazzled my Titan Pocket lol
Unihertz Community Wishlist Survey: A chance to ask for the phone you want?
Looking for Metallic Red dumbphone
Nokia 5710 Xpress Music Review
Making the switch anxieties… music?!
Is it normal for my mental health to decline working here.
A suggestion to anyone designing/making a dumbphone
What is “doing your taxes”?
QWERTY Keyboard Phones?
Non-Android blackberry in Canada
Advice on binge eating while high needed
If I just keep pulling the emergency stop cord will I get fired.
Haven’t had VTO since October…my bank account says no…my back account says yes…
Are we... allowed to have coolers with no escape handles on the inside?
Best form factor for modern qwerty phone
Any full QWERTY keyboard flip phones on the way in the US?
Stupid app.
Smoking weed with my gf is...