Has anyone tried 4s in the MJX 1/16th HyperGo?
Can't get z2m to run (proxmox)
Can the Flite Test Tiny Tutor be set up as a glider?
Tips please for a nOOb using the Purple PCB spot welder
Why are trainers 3 channel? Which foamboard design would be fun? (and some other Noob Q's I didn't find in the FAQ)
How do I automate my way out of this
Encore ESP vs Timemore C2?
GW4 Samsung Pay is awful now! Time for an upgrade?
Am I late to the party? "City" helmets have see-through visors now?
I think I need a transmitter tray, but how do they work?
T16s vs Boxer vs T-pro vs Pocket for a Pincher?
Share your Useless Automations
Can someone explain to me what connection the WearOS app needs?
Reproof / warranty / just toss it? Quechea NH100 rain jacket?
Dart 250g owners - I have motor and battery Qs
Has Gen AI been useful for gtd-ers (reddit says no)
Furby boom tongue sensor - is this the right switch?
Strategies for a big personal inbox (ideas, not emails)
Uograde path from Surface Go?
"could not find package nerd-icons"
Confused about AIO choices for 18650 / 27100 3.5" build
Programatically capturing new projects in org-mode (basic q, but I didn't want to ask AI)
Like GTD, what other good systems exist out there
Emacs org mode for research notes