Whats the biggest mistake you've ever did in the game?
How often do you start a fight with Npc's on the streets?
Who do you think is the most creepiest Npc in the game?
This mf is the most useful NPC ever since the online came to be.
Which jet in the game do you think has the best handling?
Have you ever used the orbital cannon?
I like how Rockstar being aware of its own player base
anyone know what this is for?
Which in-game notification makes you feel happy for some reason?
Whats the most underrated vehicle?
Be careful around burn barrels people
Hmm, I bet I can
Its annoying how moc's back door never opens when entering with a car
If we could be employee at one of our businesses which one you'd like to work at?
What are you gonna do if u are in this situation?
Thanos being so easy to identifiable in crowd lol
V-65 Molotok
Your favorite goofy vehicle to drive around?
Ronaldo during the recent interview
I whish lesser used aircrafts at hangar covered up like this, would look pretty cool ngl
Game looks pretty realistic at a times
The landing gear animation of Avenger has a visual bug
Perfect picture for an album cover
Bunker storage area is probably the most creepiest place in Gta O
Rockstar please fix the landing gear animation of Avenger