Concerned citizen about understanding rivals team fights and clashes
[Arcane S2 Act 3 Spoilers] Just putting this out there
Alright no shame here boys how many hours you got on the game so far?
What are you currently grinding after?
Communication is key, yet no keys were found.
when the ultra instinct kicks in
i didnt watch porn for a month
Connection issue Unknown
I made it to Champ finally!!!!
I don't even care that I got demoted from Champ for this, it's always worth it
OMG! They just scored and it’s now 2-1 with 3:30 left, time to forfeit!
The RNG gods blessed me with this demo respawn
nice matchmaking
me to the junk: Oh it's a team kill alright, just not yours
A Win is a Win, Even if it is a Mess
Can i just say as a fresh bloodborn player that these 2 are harder then the whole fucking game
RYC: The zombie apocalypse has just started and a zombie busts through into your room. You can only use the object/thing to your left...what is it and how would you use it?
I love Astel as much as the next guy but come on
they didn't see that coming 😂
Giving away 10 battle passes free.
a friend sent me this from ER Hand Crushed under a metal flatter
Savathun replicators I call upon you!
[Self] Garou Cosplay Stage Show
GIVEAWAY: I'm giving away a pre-order of Destiny 2: The Witch Queen Deluxe Bundle ($100 value) to one comment in this thread
I'm holding XUR hostage and he's selling The Scholar