An 80-year-old store employee defends his shop from an armed robber
Largest reported ancestry in the U.S.
What happened here?
If you had to pick one ?
My dad with his Walkman in the early 90’s
Cannot get this unscrewed. tips?
Bro if you’re gonna flex, at least have a mag in it.
Concealed comms or sidecar attachments?
Tenicor is next level quality but the bulge feels like a hard tumor pressing into my innards. Ordered a Certum 3 replacement.
This stood out in my mom's coin box
What are the best options to address this?
Residential Boost Pump Fix
Is this a safe holster to have on in the chamber for a sig p365x
Sewer replacement gone terribly wrong
Remington 870 police magnum
Some really cool 6" wood water main on display at my Local 16 hall.
Ben Stoeger IG post shows federal judge directly refuting Sig’s claims regarding the p320
I took my CCW class and I genuinely think that most of the people in the class and maybe most people in general should not carry a firearm.
Take a hint Magpul!!!!!
I Was A Combat Medic In Afghanistan in 2009, AMA
Hyper realistic VR experience
of Absolute Units of a low ear
Ever seen a pipe this thick for residential?