My very old Euphorbia. Cylindrifolia which is endemic to Madagascar. This plant needs full sun or at least 6 hrs of direct sunlight. It is kept in a greenhouse. It prefers optimal temperatures of 60 F- 85 F or 16 C to 29 C.
Experience with Euphorbia cylindrifolia?? (Question in Comments)
Am I crazy? I'm 37, she's 33. I feel like I'm crazy.
My Astrophytum caput-medusae from seed bloomed today!
Can someone please help me ID these?
Early branching is a defect, not a feature
My favorite pumice substitute, freshly mined decomposing granite! Makes the soil heavy but rooted cac’s seem to love it 🌵🙌🏼
The Most Dangerous Body Language Trick Manipulators Use (And Why It Works)
My Operculicarya pachypus
shiny-shiny Ceropegia Armandii
AI-Chat Murder Mystery Game:
Colour help! Which colour looks best on me - red or blonde?
What suits me best? Natural, brown or black?
PLEASE READ - TheGreenEscape
Current Blooms
Looking for a name for this sweet girl. Food/dessert names preferred, no people names.
Oberonia longirepens. I’m estimating 1600 flowers this year?
Winter care
Beauties in the wild grocery store... this one is soooo tempting. I've been by twice to look!
Does anyone know the origin or lineage of Anthurium Pink Lemonade? Pic is from SKG
Corybas pictus
My little basket of neos from a hybridization program that I've had for years. Blooms all year long.
Hi everyone. My girl just got stage 2 diagnosis
This lady is 44
How can I waterproof this wooden curio cabinet before transforming into a greenhouse?