Selling My Orlando Nier Orchestra Ticket
Well I’m stuck…..
Request For Makima from Chainsaw Man
I made a 4K wallpaper based off the Jojo Magazine cover art as gift to the community and for the release of the last batch of Part 6. Enjoy!
Need Help Getting Aerith Final Limit Break
$500-$600 pc build help
Hey I had this yoko figure for a long time but a few years back, she just snapped off her base and i wanna know how i can go about fixing this? (last pic for reference)
For the Glory of my Wallet
210129 - Dahyun being Dahyun
Hey does anyone know either where to find these chairs or where to get a good replacement for them? I want to buy Adam and Eve but for some reason they don’t come with these chairs
So my brother got me a signed Nier Orchestra Album signed by Yoko Taro Keiichi Okabe for Christmas! I was almost in tears!!
Got Zakki :re!!! ITS BEAUTIFUL!!
Finally Zakki :re has come and it’s beautiful with the box set!!! 😍
My End Of Evangelion based IOS14 Homescreen! Took me forever but happy how it came out!
Hey I’m new! Just got her in the mail since i saw the restock and she is beautiful! Glad i didn’t buy it resell
Cheap And Good Bookshelf’s On Amazon
$1k-$1.5k Streaming/Gaming PC