I cannot find any differences
What is a survivor fact that sounds fake but is actually true?
What's your favorite word (that's not defenestration)?
Guess what Im doing today :)
Where in Christchurch can I "luckily" find a poorly designed emergency exit?
Things you can say about your pet but not about your boss
That bright star in the northern sky…that’s Polaris. I am using celestial navigation.
Any comment on this???
Harvey Specter was a cop before he became a lawyer
Boyfriend(48M) won't let me(42F) get a pet
Why is my dog always wanting to lick and sniff my nuts
I saw a white rabbit with a clock earlier trying to get me to follow him. Should I have followed him instead of cooking and eating him?
We are going to Paris for Christmas, and my little one just watched Home Alone. Now she is terrified that we are going to forget her.
Today, I had to crumble my own organic feta.
My local target has a Starbucks inside but the carts don’t have cup holders.
I have to poop and my iPad isn’t charged.
I discovered a small hole in the leg portion of one of my shamrock socks. St. Patrick's Day is ruined.
The sandwich shop didn't cut my $18 hoagie all the way through and now there is an uneven distribution of ingredients.
I improved my diet and now I have a lot more energy, so now it's hard for me to take a nap in the middle of the day. Napping is my favorite activity and now I have nothing to look forward to.
My new Italian leather couch has no friction against any of my faux fur throw blankets. So if I wrap up in one, I will very slowly slide off the edge.
Sheets on the wrong way
Best place to get tyres and a service?
If confessional booths were replaced with porta-potties.
Name for a band whose members all have micro-penises?
Band name for a bunch of guys who are always constipated