I ordered my house special irl
Spring is sprunging in Tokyo
The Mask Off trend is frustrating.
Every time I get up, my locks look like this.💀
healing scars for POC
I swear all sims are terrible parents unless you're in control.
How do you feel feminine with starter locs
Washed my hair and a loc fell out
Didn’t want to bleach my locs so I did pink faux locs instead
What is one thing Cory does that irks you?
Conditioner opinions
Sim can’t move in to university housing
i got an 1180, am i doomed?
What do y'all think cory's next upload's gonna be? (i'm thinking Amanda 2)
Early Valentine’s Day coord ❤️
is it possible for these to ever flatten out?
How long have you had your hair loc’d and how often do you wash it?
How did you guys find out about Cory?
What do you use to moisturize
Matcha latte coord 🍵
Weird loc milestones that I’ve reached recently
New color+ retwist
NAH! this ain't it at all... thoughts?
How old were you when you started watching Cory and how old are you now
What did I dooo??