Where was I August 2024?
President Trump: "In a few moments, I will sign an executive order to begin eliminating the federal Department of Education once and for all."
do ya’ll know what plant this is? i barely touched it, it stung me and it’s radiating
End The Genocide 📣🇵🇸
Where was I August 2021?
There’s nothing to do here in Tucson!
Women of Reddit, what’s the biggest myth that porn spreads about what women enjoy in bed—but you actually hate?
It’s my 17th cake day holy shit
17 years!
Celebrating 17 years today (technically 2/29). Here's the Reddit homepage the day I registered.
19 years.
Question about endometrial cancer
Neo-Nazis who showed up in Lincoln Heights (metro Cincinnati) Ohio were chased away by locals who stole and burned their swastika flag in the street
TikToker tries to "show love" to homeless person for content
If you’re feeling overwhelmed and hopeless, this might help it
Thank you, Tucson, for the unforgettable experiences in your beautiful city! Loved all the recommendations!
Do Hospitals require a BSN if you have a previous Bachelor’s Degree or can you just progress to an MSN
What's your cholla story?
Lab tests show a single spine from a cholla cactus can lift a half-pound slab of pork shoulder
Two Heads, One Body: Anatomy of Conjoined Twins
My Mom and Dad, at my Dad's high school prom, 1959. He was about to graduate high school (17) and she was about to graduate from Jr. High (14). A month after this was taken, they got married. She wasn't even pregnant.
Did the term “Woke” started in the black community?
First place after staying in a women’s shelter for 2 months fleeing an abusive marriage of 10 years.
In honor of Christmas: ER workers, what’s the weirdest thing you’ve seen in the ER on Christmas Day?(boxing day and Christmas Eve also work)
“Think of the black community” - the CIA