How does it feel to sleep in the arms of a person you love..or your soulmate?
What drove you to lose weight?
[SERIOUS] Be honest, are you faithful? Why or why not?
I'm tired of the whole "bad writing" thing
What would you name a chicken that looks like this?
Are quiet and shy people born or made?
How do you stop getting catcalled?
Ethan's criticism of Israel's actions and his support of Palestine has even been shared on Arabic and Muslim social media with a majority of Muslim commenters thanking Ethan for his words.
Damn, the snarkies are already hitting the comments of a post from 2 years ago that they didn’t know about till this very second 🙄
Timothee and Kylie Jenner looked so in love at the tennis match yesterday 💀
Destiny sucks, I know.. but holy shit this timing is A+
Seen this morning
I just found out Dan Erickson is from my hometown- Olympia WA, And now it all makes sense.
I'm sure we can all use a laugh these days, add a picture of your chicken that never gets a turn to use the flock's shared brain cell.
Possible disturbing implications in “Sweet Vitriol”
blind and 10 toes…
missing a chunk of the show really hurt today
It uhh, it hurts this time…
Looking for an id please
How bad would the name Saoirse in the States be?
Matt Lieb supporting snark and saying he was harassed by Ethan
Is this behavior a sign of broodiness?
Which celebrity death during your lifetime that hit you the hardest?
AIO for leaving my bf because he body shamed me
Severance - 2x09 "The After Hours" - Post-Episode Discussion