Albums about suicide
Chromebook won’t turn on.
Guitar riffs that make you go
In honor of St. Patty's Day, who are your favorite Irish musicians?
“I just don’t like Teenagers. It doesn’t really fit with the stor-“
Give me a Vocaloid song not in the game and I’ll give you a card!
Most brutal song you've ever listened to!
Reddit dropped me here I'm gonna lean into it, But where to start
Jouta cosplay
songs with the same title as novels whose subject material is unrelated
Who is this angel?!?! (I’m new to the seals community :3)
you guys act like it was the worst thing to ever come out of their discography
(Spoken with excitement) New clipping just dropped
i just realized that Gaga is on its 17th year of career... it is like she's living Madonna's "Music" era
Arkansas bill proposes display of Ten Commandments, national motto in public classrooms
Bands Whose Best Member Left
I am jumping on the band wagon.
Forget favorites, what's your LEAST favorite song from MCR?
Are u ever too young to know ur sexuality
Prettiest jojos characters according to Araki wrote in the manga/interviews
My tier list of every Gorillaz song
What type of music would some of the famous seals would listen to?
Goth Teacher Advice
Songs making fun of the people listening to it
17, is my music taste good?