Hmm. Shocker.
Ward Council is Bull Shit
I am waiting to hear from the Facebook Mormon apologists on this one to say something ridiculous and laughable.
Wendy Nelson's children's book teaches only "pure doctrine"
94% are saying no to cleaning the building of a multi billion dollar mega corp and I can't help but feel proud of that
On my mission a couple had to be legally married in order to be worthy to be baptized. Joseph Smith having more than 30 other women as wives and not legally married to them. Totally different. Lol.
Anyone else notice Mormons aren’t as respected as they’d think they are?
Joseph wasn't a Polygamist?
Ancient Greek religion=mythology. Ancient Roman religion=mythology. Ancient Egyptian religion=mythology. Ancient Aztec religion=mythology. I can go on and on. Ancient Hebrew religion=totally real. Why? I can see no difference.
Has anyone else noticed that Mormons (especially males) lack social intelligence and maturity?
I find myself far more frustrated and triggered by Jack Mormons and nuanced Mormons than I am by the enthusiastic, super hard core types.
Faith Without Works Is Dead
What has been the most healing/post-Mormon belief or realization you have experienced?
The Mormon church is so rich, so why did I live so poor on my mission?
Sheri Dew reframing what a “prophet” is. 🙄No, Sheri, I don’t go to a “prophet” for “advice” or “help seeing around corners”. For GoD’s SaKe, a prophet only matters to me if he actually PROPHECIES!!!
Mormons. You are 100% wrong as usual. One drop of African blood made you unworthy of the priesthood. News flash. Every last human’s ancestors came from Africa. You can’t have it both ways. Use DNA search for ancestors, then deny we all came from Africa.
My nephew just got a mission call to Uruguay. I am glad. There is a greater chance of him leaving the church now.
The Smoking Guns of Mormonism
Want a sure fire way to make your community hate you?
I thought y’all were exaggerating
Elder Bednars at it again
What made you start questioning the church? What was the final straw that helped you decide to leave?
Got an email reminder: Relief Society is a safe space… from critical thinking.
My husband attended one of Jodi Hildebrant's program from years
My old TBM parents are in the fuck the world mode. My religiosity is getting me into heaven.