Koje boje i marke tenisica najčešće kupujete, a koje izbjegavate?
Oštećena felga
Helmut Wilhelm Schnatz
Blud thinks he’s on the team
Tko je Gordan Purko?
369th Croatian Reinforced Infantry Regiment
A Croatian Oberfeldwebel pilot of 10.(kroatische)/Kampfgeschwader 3 standing by his Dornier Do 17Z on the Eastern Front, ca. October 1941.
HT poskupljuje od 1. ozujka
Player Price Changes (January 21, 2025)
Jackson depreciation
Completely forgot this beauty of a kit existed
Gdje se može pojesti najbolji burger?
Koliko novaca dat u kuvertu na vjenčanju?
Gdje ima all you can eat kineski restoran?
The destroyed German SdKfz 250/1 armored personnel carrier under the command of the 11.SS-Panzergrenadier-Division “Nordland” and the corpses of his crew in the Battle of Berlin, 1945 ( the second picture is NSFW) I've never seen this picture before not sure if it the same vehicle.
Gameweek 15 (2024/25) Rant and Discussion Thread
Mišljenje o ljudima koji pale maglenke po sunčanom danu ?!
Oberleutnant Friedrich Konrad Winkler somewhere in the northern sector of Stalingrad in October 1942. He was captured in Stalingrad after the 6th Army had capitulated on February 2 1943. He died soon after, at the age of 34, between February 8 and 10 1943 at POW Camp Beketowka.
U koje kafiće izlazi sirotinja u Splitu?
Teški okršaj između sarme, paštidace i peke, no sarma je ipak kralj. Imamo 8 nacionalnih parkova, 12 parkova prirode, prekrasno more, najljepša brda, planine i nizine. Vaš najdraži kutak Hrvatske je?
Nesreća kod Maksimira
Arsenal has failed to keep a CS since GW4
Misto za marende
Ljudi koji parkiraju 2cm od vrata