Letrozole FET - when did you ovulate? No trigger.
What the FUCK is wrong with me? The return of my period.
4 weeks PP - 3rd baby
Weight hasn’t budged
First trimester with IVF baby
My (35F) tested positive for Chlamydia. Me (36M)
Immediate reaction to this title?
Do I have central heterochromia? I never knew about this until today!
CD who knows; one in a million pregnancy chance. FRER.
This was ordered by a single person
What's your baby made of today?
Implantation how do you know
10.5 weeks pp, what is this?
Never found the cause but my hair is growing back in !
Beta question with different labs
9dp5dt (14 DPO equivalent) FRER 😭
Post FET stress, no sleep am I sabotaging myself?
Do you see what I see? 8DPO
Planning ahead, during TWW
Please let this FET be it 🤞🏻
Can long qtc come and go?
Upcoming FET, struggling with picking an embryo
Painful cramps after estrogen priming?
me: “i’m going to wait until beta day to test, unless i get a sign!” the universe:
Slow growing follicles on Letrozole… any hope?