Pulled this in ST21, any suggestions for the decklist?
Well......... I guess 2 weeks is the limit I can enjoy!
200$ later, I have created my very first deck! I hope I do good in locals this week!
New to this TCG
Satisying Galactus Defeat
Noone I know plays card games, but this is still a huge achievement for me!
Brain freeze
finally reached plat iv! no one to shared it with
Men of Reddit, how's your mental health today?
5 static shivv’s!! Please don’t flame my comp, I’m only gold. But its the first time I used Gadget expert kinda correctly and built only direct damage items (for the most part).
Charging Decanter?
Fnatic vs. FC Schalke 04 / LEC 2020 Summer - Week 4 / Post-Match Discussion
Fnatic vs. Team Vitality / LEC 2020 Summer - Week 1 / Post-Match Discussion
Misfits Gaming vs. Fnatic / LEC 2020 Summer - Week 1 / Post-Match Discussion
Here's a drawing I did of Pewds.
How to become a better ADC?
This post was sponsored by ceiling gang
“Well I’m saving money on alcohol...”
The chosen one has arrived.
It was kind of a big deal, but dont tell Marzia tho
Only test i would pass
The only test i would pass
If you remember this then chances are you'll be getting your 4 year badge soon!
You Dumb Bitch
Youtube Rewind kinda sucked so I made Felix his own Rewind which sucks a lil bit more (idk how to edit all that well)