How cooked is bro?
What's the worst time you've misread a recipe and f*#ked up dinner?
What's your worst 'I misread the recipe and f*#d up dinner' moment?
What’s the most annoying part of being you?
Band name for a group of men married to hardcore conservative women who pretend to be conservative but are secretly liberals who hate their wives’ views
Trouwlocatie regio Breda
Most brutal song you've ever listened to!
Nsfw just in case (it's a boob tattoo)
Tell your opinion.
A mediocre painter gives terrible advice to his best friend
What’s a sci-fi novel everyone should read at least once?
Could anyone here help me with audio for my Limburgish course? (Eng)
Songs by fake bands in tv and movies
Someone I know just did this to themselves
A fugetive reunites with his cheating wife.
What’s a compliment you have gotten that you can NEVER forget?
€30 weekboodschappen
Altarboys being chased by gay man
Bestaan gloryholes echt?
If you had 24 hours to spend a billion dollars, how would you do it?
Name the Worst Sequel Ever
Zijn we eindelijk klaar met Trump en gaat de EU nu volledig zelf de controle nemen?
Movies that no one else remembers that you regularly think about.
Russia wants to declare 'victory' over Ukraine on Feb. 24, Ukrainian intel claims
Make the comments look like Vincent's search history